D360 V2 Line Thru - 9,5 cm

av Westin
Spara 10 kr
89 kr
79 kr

9,5cm, 18g.

Stekhett Linethru-bete  (genomlöpare) från Westin. Vid spinnstopp roterar betet snabbt runt sin egen axel - 360.

This inline lure is designed to catch more fish - and loose less! It will cast far and has a great irregular action that will attract fish from far away. Occasional spin stops will make it spin and rotate to attract even more trout.

The 18 and 28g sea trout versions are designed for sea trout fishing along the shoreline. Even in strong winds they will cast far and still they can be fished in surprisingly shallow water. During the test of the final sample of this lure, one of our team members caught an impressive number of big trout including five chrome fish exceeding 3.0 kilos - all caught during five hours of fishing!

Rigging tip: Run your line through the lure and use a small round or oval bead to protect the knot before tying the line to a single- or treble hook of your choice. If you prefer a free swinging hook we recommend mounting the hook on an oval split ring and tying the knot to the double-stranded part of the ring.

  • Lead free construction
  • Material: Zinc
  • Incredible swimming action
  • Inline concept - lose less fish!
  • Designed and developed in Scandinavia

Obs! Se våra egna färdiga tackel till dessa beten!

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